Sunday, June 28, 2009


So I was fighting a pity party all day today, so I thought I'd try to be positive about a couple little bright spots from today.

My puppy is adorable. My husband is understanding and loving and will force me to laugh when I'm pouting. He may not follow instructions and requests very well, and he may forget when things are due, but we're staying positive here.

Chick-fil-a. They're great, aren't they? I was dying to steal the lady who took my order for our own business. She was just so sweet and cheerful! I wish I'd had the guts.

Old Navy. For 14 days after your purchase, they'll price adjust in your favor if the items go on sale. We completely scored on summer clothes for our upcoming vacay-- the weekend we went, all men's clothes were 1/2 off. We came back this weekend to exchange something and saw that all women's summer clothes were 1/2 off. Showed the receipt, computer compared the prices, and they money went back onto our credit card. Sweet. Lesson learned: It's always worth asking. My hubby said it was embarrassing to even ask because "no place does that." Not so, my friend, not so.

There. See? Still lots of positive things going on in this world. The dog is letting the ceiling fan cool her belly as she dozes off. I think I'll join her. Night!

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Did somebody say cake?! Oh sorry, what were you saying?