Monday, June 29, 2009

The invasion

I'm certainly not a conspiracy nut, but lately I have had no choice but to believe in one. The conspiracy of the bugs. They are out to get me and I know it. Each type is taking its turn attacking me in numbers. First came the cockroach scout, checking out the premises. He discovered that I seemed defenseless and required cavalry backup from my husband to actually kill him. Then it was the mosquitoes. When they backed off, it was the fruit flies. They finally died off, and it became those vicious flying insects that attacked me whenever I went through the garage to my car. There was a brief attempt by a spider, but being unable to fly and being my most hated arch-enemy, he was killed immediately upon beginning his mission. Now, I'm being dive-bombed by 2 stray flies that flew in the door as we were closing it. They are ignoring my husband and the dog... just zooming at my head. And no, not in the Pigpen kind of way either. Just buzzing past my ears and the top of my head to make sure I know they're after me.

I may be creeped out and experience some anxiety from their attacks, but mark my words, they will not win. We do not negotiate with terrorists, and I would consider these bugs the most domestic of all domestic terrorists. Never back down, never surrender.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A lil' bit more

It's crazy hot. The fan isn't circulating enough cool to make it tolerable anymore. I'll have to cool things off to be able to fall asleep tonight. I love sleeping when it's a little chilly in the room as long as it doesn't break the bank to cool it off!

I love deleting things off our DVR. It's a feeling of accomplishment to see that percentage go down. See the list of things to be recorded shrink. Summer is especially nice. It makes it so easy to not watch too much TV!

I also feel so accomplished right now because I made lunches for this upcoming week. I usually take the frozen lunches, which are great in a pinch, but they have a lot of sodium. We really don't use any salt when we cook, so I want to see if I can cut out the pre-packaged stuff. It will be healthier and keep my salt intake down. I like eating healthy, but I tend to be lazy in the kitchen, so I'm especially proud that I manage that!


So I was fighting a pity party all day today, so I thought I'd try to be positive about a couple little bright spots from today.

My puppy is adorable. My husband is understanding and loving and will force me to laugh when I'm pouting. He may not follow instructions and requests very well, and he may forget when things are due, but we're staying positive here.

Chick-fil-a. They're great, aren't they? I was dying to steal the lady who took my order for our own business. She was just so sweet and cheerful! I wish I'd had the guts.

Old Navy. For 14 days after your purchase, they'll price adjust in your favor if the items go on sale. We completely scored on summer clothes for our upcoming vacay-- the weekend we went, all men's clothes were 1/2 off. We came back this weekend to exchange something and saw that all women's summer clothes were 1/2 off. Showed the receipt, computer compared the prices, and they money went back onto our credit card. Sweet. Lesson learned: It's always worth asking. My hubby said it was embarrassing to even ask because "no place does that." Not so, my friend, not so.

There. See? Still lots of positive things going on in this world. The dog is letting the ceiling fan cool her belly as she dozes off. I think I'll join her. Night!

Friday, June 26, 2009

No no day

Today was most definitely NOT a cake day. The remaining bday cake in the fridge, the fact that it was Friday finally, nothing could resurrect today into a cake day. A small minute to cry on the way home from work, a chance to rant for a couple minutes to my hubby about why today sucked helped a little, but still not enough to turn it all around. There's not any one thing that I could pinpoint to explain why it all went down the tubes... it was just a nonstop stream of things.

But on to other things... I just can't get into the whole mood to mourn Michael Jackson. I just keeping thinking about his pedophile playground. I mean, I get that Thriller was great and all, but I could never get past the whole creep factor. Sorry guys, he was just always creeped me out. He was kind of a bandwagon celebrity-- popular, fell out of favor, and was supposedly just launching a comeback. Guess I just never jumped back on that bandwagon. 13 Going on 30 was good, though.

Hmm, that's all I got.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cake Days

Cake days are good days. Sometimes they involve real cake. Those are the best, most authentic cake days. Sometimes, they're just good days. Icing on the cake of life, if you will. I'm fairly liberal with my definition of a cake day because I'm pretty optimistic... a Tigger, bouncy and hyper basically.

So today-- I woke up late for work, I wore cute clothes because we were supposed to schmooze and then we ran out of time for it, two of my coworkers became sick and I worried about them (still obviously worse for them than for me), I had two unplanned meetings, worked so nonstop that I didn't get to eat lunch, and came home to discover that the stupid flying insects that have invaded our garage are still there despite pleas to my husband to kill them all, and they still like to swarm me as a scare tactic. But do you know why today is good? There is rich, luscious, chocolate birthday cake with generous icing awaiting my hungry tummy. Life is suddenly so much sweeter. Yes, for all the punsters out there, it is literally sweeter with the cake and icing, that wasn't lost on me.